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Inclusion Program

What is Inclusion Co-Teaching in FMSD Inclusion Program?

Co-teaching provides opportunities for two or more teachers delivering instruction at the same time in the same physical space to a heterogeneous group of students (Friend and Cook, 2004). Co-teachers may utilize a variety of co-teaching models; one teach-one observe, one teach, one assist, parallel teaching, station teaching, alternative teaching, and team teaching. The FMSD Inclusion Co-teaching Program is designed to have one general education teacher and one special education specialist to deliver instruction at the same time in the same physical space to both general education students and student with significant identified disabilities. In the FMSD Inclusion Co-teaching Program teachers will learn from each other’s expertise and expand the scope of their teaching.


Inclusion co-teachers include related services providers (e.g., speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, school psychologist, adapted physical education teacher,) who deliver related service support in inclusive settings. The related services providers are members of the collaborative planning and co-teach their skills and knowledge in inclusive settings through modeling and consultation. They work collaboratively to reduce the negative stigma associated with SDC programs or pull-out strategies. Together, they provide a learning environment for students to feel more connected with their peer group. The Co-Teaching model is implemented for children in pre-school through third grade. 


2018-2019 Co-Teaching Model Schools

Pre-School: McKinley Elementary, Shirakawa School, and Santee Elementary

Kinder-Third Grade: Los Arboles Elementary


What is Full Inclusion Model?

Full inclusion refers to the total integration of a student with disabilities into the regular

education program with related special support. In full inclusion, the student’s primary placement is in the regular education class. The student has no additional assignment to any special class for students with disabilities. Thus, the student with special needs is actually a member of the regular education class. The student is not being integrated or mainstreamed into the regular education class from a special day class. The student does not need to be in the general class 100% of the time, but can leave the class to receive supplementary services such as speech or adapted physical education therapy.  The goal of full inclusion model is for students to be independent learners. The Full Inclusion model for the 2019-2020 school year will include children in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and 4th grade. 


2019-2020 Full Inclusion Model Schools

Transitional Kinder and Kinder: Kennedy Elementary and Meadows Elementary

4th Grade: Lairon College Prep. Academy