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Conditions for Learning- Attendance Works

Updated Handouts for COVID-19

Handout English

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Elementary Handout Spanish

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Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic absence means your child has missed 10% or more of the school year for any reason to date or 10 days of school! Students who are chronically absent demonstrate lower academic achievement levels than their classmates who attend school every day.

Excused and Unexcused Absences
When your child is absent, you have two school days to excuse the absence. After five days, the absence becomes an unexcused absence. If your child is too ill to attend school, be sure to call your child’s school every day of the absence.With permission of the teacher and principal, a child may do short-term independent study for 5-15 days during the school year. A contract must be signed in advance.

Student Attendance Review Board- SARB
Who is referred to SARB?
A: Families whose student exhibits irregular school attendance which has not been resolved by interventions or home contact, and/or students whose serious behavior problems have not been resolved by school efforts.

What does SARB do for children and families?
A: Recommend changes in the student’s program.
Direct the student and/or family to counseling.
Secure resources for parent education and/or child care.
Arrange for tutoring when needed.
Facilitate transfer to a different school when necessary.
Link families to community resources.

Can special education students be referred?
A: Yes. The IEP Team must determine that attendance is not part of the student’s disability and that it is an appropriate referral. The IEP must be current.

What can I do to improve my child’s attendance?
A: Make your child’s attendance in school a top priority! If your child is sick and is running a fever, they must stay home. Make doctor’s or dentist appointments outside the school day, if possible. Make plans for trips or vacations during regular school breaks, holidays, and vacations.

Why do I have to report my child’s absence?
A: The Education Code of the State of California requires attendance in school under compulsory attendance laws. “Each person between the ages of 6 and 18 is subject to compulsory full-time education.” (EC 48200). If you report your child’s absence within a reasonable amount of time, your child will be given the opportunity to complete assignments and tests given during the period of absence.

Can a kindergarten student be cited for truancy?
A: Yes, if the student is age six (6) or above. Only students of compulsory school age can be cited for truancy and compulsory school age begins at age six (6).

Can siblings be referred to SARB at the same time?
A: Yes, but separate referrals must be made. It is an opportunity to address the needs of the family because school attendance is frequently a family problem.

What are the responsibilities of school personnel when they discover that a child is unable to attend school due to the lack of necessary food and/or clothing?
A: Whenever school personnel charged with overseeing attendance discovers that any child of compulsory school age is unable to attend school due to the lack of necessary clothing or food, the case must be reported to an Administrator or Student Wellness and Support Services Office.

What if my child refuses to attend school?
A: Consider the following:
Whether your child is afraid to attend school or is being bullied
Whether your child is progressing normally in an academic setting or could use tutoring or an alternative setting to learn
Whether medical, mental, or emotional issues are preventing your child from being able to attend school
Whether your child’s behavior suggests he/she is abusing drugs or alcohol or even using tobacco

A Helpful Link Regarding Attendance:
Attendance FAQ's|
What is required for an excused absence?

A written statement or phone call from a parent/guardian is required for:
Death in the immediate family
Medical/dental appointments for student
Advance written request is required from parent or guardian for:

  • Court appearance
  • Observance of holiday or ceremony of his/her religion

Attendance Policies
The Governing Board believes that regular attendance plays an important role in student achievement. The Board shall work with parents/guardians and students to ensure their compliance with all state attendance laws, and may use appropriate legal means to correct problems of chronic absence or truancy.
(cf. 5112.1 - Exemptions from Attendance)
(cf. 5112.2 - Exclusions from Attendance)
(cf. 5113.1 - Chronic Absence and Truancy)
Attendance Works

Contact Information Franklin-McKinley School District