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Local Services for Families

The following list of community organizations provide various services, including Crisis Support, Shelters & Housing Resources, Health, Law Enforcement, and Family Services.


24-7 Line (all languages/all problems): 1.888.247.7717

CA Smoker’s Helpline: 1.800.NO.BUTTS

Crisi Line: 408. 850.6125

Child Abuse Reporting/Services: 408.299.2071

Children’s Shelter: 408.558.5400

Contact Cares (Counseling): 408.279.8228

Emergency Psychiatric Services: 408.885.6100

EMQ Crisis Hotline (Mobile Crisis Team): 408.379.9085

Mental Health Call Center: 1.888.704.0900

Mental Health Urgent Care: 408.885.7855

Next Door (Solutions to Domestic Violence): 408.501.7550

Suicide Crisis: 1.855.278.4204

Counseling Services (agencies below may offer a sliding scale fee or accept Medicare)

ACCI (for Asian Americans): 408.975.2730

ACT for Mental Health: 408.975.2730

Adult & Child Guidance Center: 408.287.2640

Almaden Valley Counseling: 408.997.0200

Alum Rock Counseling: 408.294.0500

Community Solutions: 408.842.7138

Catholic Charities: 408.468.0100

Christian Counseling Center from San Jose: 408.559.1115

Gardner Family Care/St. James Health Center: 408.918.2600

Goodwill Mental Health Clinic (by referral only): 408.869.9160

JFK Counseling: 408.524.4900

Mekong Community Center: 408.937.1553

Mental Health Service Team: 408.494.1593

Momentum for Mental Health: 408.261.7777

Process Therapy Institute: 408.963.6694

Rebekah Children’s Services: 408.871.4900

Ujima Youth (African Americans): 408.928.1700

YWCA: 408.295.4011

Shelters & Housing Resources

24-Hour Shelter: 1.800.774.3583

Asian Women’s Home (victims of DV; women & children under 12yrs old): 408.975.2739

Bill Wilson Center Safe Place (24 Hr. Emergency Housing for Teens): 408.243.0222

Bill Wilson Quetzal House (girls 13-17 yrs old 24/7 365 days a year): 408.243.0222

Boccardo Family Living Center (migrant & two parent families): 408.686.1300

City Team Heritage Home Shelter (single pregnant women): 408.294.1238

Family Supportive Housing: 408..271.1630

InnVision Julian Street Inn (men & women diagnosed with mental illness): 408.271.0820

InnVision Shelter Network Georgia Travis Center (women & women w/children): 408.453.3124

Salvation Army (men only): 408.282.1175

Sacred Heart Community Service: 408.278.2160


Health Coverage for All Children: 1.877.962.3633

Al ANON/Alateen (Alcohol): 408.379.1051

Alcoholics Anonymous: 408.374.8511

Alexian Clinic (health care for the homeless / 24hr: 408.272.6050

Black Infant Health (pregnant or parenting African American women): 408.937.2270

California WIC: 1.888.942.9675

Center for Disease & Control…(AIDS, STD’s, Immunizations,etc): 1.800.232.4636

Center for Disease & Control...Hearing Impaired: 1.888.232.6348

Children’s Health Initiative,Medi-Cal, Free/Reduced Health Insurance: 1.888.244.5222

Comprecare Health Center (community care & health care for the homeless): 408.272.6300

Foothill Community Health Center: 408.729.9700

Franklin-McKinley Neighborhood Health Clinic: 408.283.6051

Gardner Health Care (community care & health care for the homeless): 408.918.5500

Healthier Kids Foundation: 408.564.5114 X 204

Indian Health Center of Santa Clara: 408.445.3400

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital: 650.723.7704

Overfelt Neighborhood Health Clinic: 408.347.5988

Planned Parenthood: 408.277.0777

San Andreas Regional Center (persons w/ developmental disabilities): 408.374.9960

San Jose Clinic - Rotacare Bay Area (service Wednesdays after 5pm only): 408.715.3088

St. Joseph’s Office of the Poor: 408.283.8140

Wellness Center: 408.445.3400

Law Enforcement

Campus Crime Stoppers: 408.947.STOP

Crime Prevention Unit: 408.277.4133

San Jose P.D. Missing Persons: 408.277.4786

SJPD (general information): 408.277.8900

Parent/Family Services & Programs

All Around Senior Services ( housing for seniors): 1.800.991.0626

Billy DeFrank Gay & Lesbian Community Center: 408.293.4525

CA. Parent Center: 1.877.9.PARENT

Center for Living with Dying: 408.278.2515

Children, Family & Community Services: 408.272.6518

Clean Slate (removal of gang related tattoos - ages 14 through 25 yrs old): 408.794.1660

Dress for Success: 408.935.8299

First 5 Santa Clara County: 408.361.4281

Legal Advocates for Children and Youth (L.A.C.Y.): 408.280.2440

Migrant Education Program: 408.453.6770

New Eyes (new prescription eyeglasses of U.S. residents in need): 973.376.4903

Parents Helping Parents (information & resources to parents & caretakers of children w/special needs): 408.727.5775

Sacred Heart (job coaching/search): 408.278.2160

Santa Clara County 211: 211

Second Harvest Food Bank: 408.266.8866

Senior Nutrition Program: 408.975.4860