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School Consolidation Advisory Committee

On September 10, 2024, at a regular meeting, the Board of Education unanimously approved to move forward with the process of establishing a School Consolidation Committee and a timeline of the school consolidation process. The purpose of the Committee is to review and analyze the school sites within the District and to determine which might be closed and/or consolidated as it will not be needed for school purposes. The Committee will then present a report to the Board of Trustees (Board) recommending school sites for school closure and/or consolidation. This is an important task and the District is looking for committed individuals, parents of currently enrolled students in the district and/or residents within the district's boundaries, to be members of the Committee.

The School Consolidation Advisory Committee will be comprised of approximately 20-25 members in an effort to include a broad cross-section of community members who have an interest in and may be affected by school closures. Members of the Committee serve only on a voluntary basis. At a minimum, the Committee will contain persons who can be representative of each of the following:

  • Representative from each FMSD school: Parent (FMSD resident or from outside district) and/or FMSD resident (16)
  • Employee Associations (2 FMEA and 2 CSEA)
  • Management Team (2 Principals)
  • Executive Cabinet (resource)
  • Superintendent (resource)
  • Facilitator (resource)

School Consolidation Member Recruitment Packet:
(Please note the change in the meeting dates. Refer to the updated meeting dates listed below under Meetings and Timeline)

All Committee meetings, proceedings, and deliberations will be open to the public. Meetings will be scheduled from 6:00 - 8:00 pm at the District Office (645 Wool Creek Drive, San Jose, CA 95112, in the Boardroom unless otherwise noted.

It is expected that the Committee will be in place by October 2, 2024 and will complete its work by January 2025 to meet statutory deadlines. 

Applications are to be submitted to Cathe Mati at or in person in the Superintendent's Office.
District Administration will submit committee membership recommendations to the Board for approval on October 1, 2024 at a Special Board meeting.

It is anticipated that the Committee's report will be provided to the Board at its February 4, 2025 Special Board meeting. Subsequently, it is anticipated that a corresponding agenda item will be presented to the Board on February 11, 2025 for consideration.

School Consolidation Communications Plan 45-Day Budget Revision (August 13, 2024)

For questions, please contact either Jason Vann, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, or (408) 283-6020 or Cathe Mati Executive Assistant to Superintendent Juan Cruz, or (408) 283-6006.