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Local Control and Accountability Plan

We are seeking input from all district educational partners including parents, families, teachers, board members, administrators, staff, and community members regarding our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2024-2027.

We are looking for input on the following topics:

  • Special Education 
  • School Programs and Services
  • Instruction and Student Engagement
  • School Culture, Climate, and Safety
  • Parent Involvement
  • Language Acquisition Programs

Below is the link to the new LCAP draft and the LCAP Budget Overview for Parents. The draft LCAP is posted for public review and comment until June 15, 2024. Your comments will inform final revisions to the LCAP for board presentation and action on June 28, 2024. Below is the link to submit a public comment/question.

View Draft 2024-25 LCAP

View LCFF Budget Overview for Parents 

Submit Feedback on LCAP Goals and Actions

The superintendent or designee will provide written responses to all questions submitted through public comment. 

The goals, actions, and metrics will guide and focus all staff on improving student achievement for our high-need students. There is a strong alignment between the LCAP, School Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs) and the district's vision and priority initiatives. Each year, program monitoring and analysis of student data takes place, and an annual update is developed and reported to the California Department of Education that describes any adjustments to be made to the LCAP’s actions and expenditures.

Timeline of Events | 2024-2027 LCAP Development

October 2023 | District Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting

February-April 2024 | Interest holder input gathering, including LCAP input survey, focus groups and District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

January-March 2024 | DAC synthesizes feedback and identifies districtwide needs

February-April 2024 | Central office staff LCAP drafts/edits goals/actions based on feedback

April-May 2024 | DAC review of LCAP draft

May 2024 | Public comment period (LCAP draft posted on this webpage)

June 11, 2024  | LCAP public hearing and presentation to the Board of Trustees

June 2024 | Final edits

June 25, 2024 | Board action on the final LCAP draft 

By June 30, 2024 | LCAP submitted to the Santa Clara County Office for further review

Information about the LCAP will be updated regularly on our website. Make sure to check back here for new information.

Comments and Responses

Comments/questions and responses will be listed below. Comments/questions may be submitted by sending a written comment to your school site or the District Office at:

LCAP Comments

645 Wool Creek Drive

San Jose, CA 95112

Comment/Question: How will the district respond to my comment?

Response:  The district will provide a response in the same format received to comments and questions submitted during the written comment period.

Federal Addendum

The LCAP Federal Addendum is meant to supplement the LCAP to ensure that our District has the opportunity to meet the provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The document identifies how federal funding will support the District's LCAP goals.

Federal Addendum 2023-24