Welcome to Franklin-McKinley School District Bid Page, where excellence meets opportunity. Explore our competitive proposals tailored to your needs, showcasing our commitment to quality and innovation. Let's build success together.
Bid No. 2025-1835R3 (Rebid) Roofing Restoration and HVAC Replacement Kennedy Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Google Meet Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Informal Bid No. 2025-1837
Sylvandale Back Parking Lot Refresh
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Google Meet Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Informal Bid No. 2025-1836
Bridges Academy New Wall
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Google Meet Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Archive Bids
Bid No. 2025-1835 Roofing Restoration, HVAC Replacement and Fire Alarm System Replacement at Kennedy Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No.1
- Google Meet Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1834
Windmill Springs School Portable Addition
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Addendum No.1
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1824R
Lighting Replacement at Dahl Elementary
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Addendum No.1
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1826
Sylvandale Track & Field Replacement
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No.1
- Addendum No. 2
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1827
Bridges Track & Field Replacement
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1830
Shirakawa Frontage Fencing Replacement
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1831
Santee Paging System Replacement
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1829
Hydration Station Various Sites
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Addendum No. 1
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2024-1828
Los Arboles Roofing
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No.2
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
- Received Bids
Bid No. 2023-1825
Freezer and Refrigerator Mechanical Unit Replacement District Service Center-Warehouse
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1812
Roofing Restoration for Sylvandale Middle School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Addendum No.1
- Addendum No.2
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1822
Cornerstone Portable Addition
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1805
DSC Warehouse Mechanical Unit
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1812
Roofing Restoration for Sylvandale Middle School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Informal Bid No. 2023-1823
Kitchen Renovation Bridges Academy
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1819
Santee AC Replacement
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawing And Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1820
McKinley AC Replacement
- Notice to Bidders
- Bids Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1817
Administration Renovation Kennedy Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1812
Roofing Restoration for Sylvandale Middle School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Addendum No. 3
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 0445-23C.1
Franklin McKinley School District Structured Cabling
Bid No. 2023-1791
Restroom Renovations at Dahl Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1758
Streetscape Improvements at Daniel Lairon Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1761
Kennedy Elementary School Site Alterations
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2023-1791
Educational Services and Enrollment Center Refresh
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation - no bids received
Formal Bid No. 2022-1780
Roof Repair at Shirakawa, Franklin, Meadows, Ramblewood, and Hellyer Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Addendum No. 1
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Formal Bid No. 2022-1759
Kitchen Floor Renovation at Shirakawa Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Plans, Drawings and Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening | May 27, 2022 at 11:30 a.m.
- Bid Tabulation
Informal Bid No. 2022-1774
Roof Repair at McKinley, Bridges, Dahl and Santee Elementary School
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening | May 2, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
- Bid Tabulation
Informal Bid No. 2022-1775
Roof Repair at Shirakawa, Franklin, Meadows, Ramblewood, and Hellyer Elementary School
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening | May 2, 2022 at 2:15 p.m.
- Bid Tabulation
Informal Bid No. 2022-1760
FMSD MOT Bus Charging Extension at Transportation Yard
- Notice to Vendors
- Bid Specifications, Plans, and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening | April 22, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2022-1739
Solar Array Installation at Franklin and Santee Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans, and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Geotech Reports
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2022-1740
Asphalt Playground Replacement at Stonegate Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans, and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2022-1741
Asphalt Playground Replacement at Shirakawa Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans, and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2022-1742
Parking Lot Replacement at Sylvandale Middle School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans, and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2022-1728
Sylvandale Middle School New Perimeter Fencing
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2022-1725
Kennedy ES Temporary Admin Relocation
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2022-1690
District Service Center (DSC) Board Room A/V System Replacement
Bids Due: Electronically 10:00am, November 15, 2021 via email to
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans, and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet - No attendees
- Addendum No. 1
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet for 11-1-21
- Addendum No. 2
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet for 11-5-21
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening | November 15, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1709
Under the Solar Beautification at Stonegate Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1710
Under the Solar Beautification at Shirakawa Elementary School
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Zoom Link for Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1682
Shirakawa Sr. Family Resource Center (FRC) Refurbishment - General Contractor
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawing
- Submit RFIs using this link
- Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1683
Shirakawa Sr. Family Resource Center (FRC) Refurbishment - Painting
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawing
- Submit RFIs using this link
- Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1684
Fencing & Site Improvements at Sylvandale, Ramblewood, McKinley and Franklin Elementary Schools
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawing
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Submit RFIs using this link
- Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation - No Bids Received
Bid No. 2021-1688
Under the Solar Beautification at Various Sites
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawing
- Pre-Bid Attendance Sheet
- Submit RFIs using this link
- Addendum No. 1
- Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1689
Drop-Off Lane Improvements at Sylvandale
- Notice Inviting Informal Bids
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawing
- Pre-bid Attendance Sheet
- Submit RFIs using this link
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Bid Opening
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1676
Painting at Various Sites - Package 1
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1678
Painting at Various Sites - Package 2
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawings
- Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Addendum No. 1
- Bid Tabulation
Bid No. 2021-1666
Sylvandale Middle School Window Replacement Phase 2
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Specifications, Plans and Drawings
- Mandatory Pre-Bid Walkthrough Attendance Sheet
- Bid Addendum No.1
- Revised Noticed to Bidders: New Bid Due Date - 10:00am, Thursday February 25, 2021
- Bid Tabulation